If you’re a frequent traveler, you know that jet lag is an inevitable part of the experience. Jet lag can be debilitating and take days or weeks to recover, leaving you feeling sluggish and irritable. Even though jet lag can’t be avoided entirely, there are some remedies, including using a caffeine inhaler to minimize its effects, so you don’t spend your vacation feeling exhausted. Here are seven easy remedies proven to reduce jet lag symptoms.

1. Take Melatonin Supplements

Taking melatonin supplements before bedtime is famous for helping reduce jet lag symptoms since they help regulate sleep patterns in travelers who have crossed multiple time zones in a short period. Be sure to speak with a healthcare professional before taking any supplements, as they may be contraindicated if taken with certain medications.

Taking Melatonin
Taking Melatonin

2. Adjust Your Sleep Schedule Before You Go

Begin adjusting your sleep schedule at least one week before your trip so that it matches the time zone of your destination. This will make it easier for your body to adjust when you arrive at your destination. 

3. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining health overall and can help reduce jet lag symptoms. Dehydration often contributes to fatigue and headaches, two common side effects associated with jet lag. While flying, drink at least 8 ounces of water per hour. Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeinated beverages, as these can further contribute to dehydration.

4. Move Around During The Flight

Sitting in one place for hours can lead to stiffness and exhaustion. To keep yourself energized, move around during the flight by stretching or taking a walk up and down the aisle every few hours.

Moving in a Flight
Moving in a Flight

5. Take Naps

Napping catches up on lost sleep without completely disrupting your circadian rhythm and throwing off your body’s internal clock even further. Short naps should take no longer than 20 minutes throughout the day. These are to maximize their effectiveness at reducing jet lag symptoms such as fatigue or difficulty concentrating on tasks due to lack of sleep. Bring an eye mask, ear plugs, and a neck pillow to help make sleeping more comfortable during long flights.

6. Eat Healthy Foods And Avoid Sugar

Eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables helps keep your energy levels up while avoiding sugary snacks like candy bars which can make you feel more sluggish when combined with being seated for long periods. Also, avoid large meals before your flight, as these can make you feel more lethargic.

7. Sleep Well

A good night’s sleep dramatically helps reduce jet lag symptoms once you arrive at your destination; however, getting enough rest on flights can be difficult due to cramped seats or crying babies on board! To combat this issue, try wearing comfortable clothing like sweatpants or leggings that promote relaxation before getting on board (a cozy scarf or neck pillow doesn’t hurt, either!).

Sleep Well
Sleep Well

Additionally, try using noise-canceling headphones if available. This helps block out background noise so you can get some restful sleep during long flights without disturbance of outside noise sources like engines or babies crying! 


Jet lag is an unavoidable part of travel, but simple remedies can help minimize its effects so that you don’t feel exhausted throughout your trip! By adjusting your sleep schedule ahead of time, staying hydrated during flights, moving around on planes, getting plenty of rest on airplanes, eating healthy foods instead of sugar-filled snacks, spending time outdoors upon arrival, and taking melatonin supplements if needed—you will help ensure that jet lag does not ruin all the fun! So whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure—follow these tips so that you’re able to enjoy all aspects of your destination fully!

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