Are you an Australian who’s dreaming of visiting the USA? For Aussies, a trip to America can be the ultimate travel experience. With its incredible cities, national parks, and everything else it has to offer, there’s no better place than the US to relax and explore. Whether you are planning your first visit or have been travelling there for years, this guide will help you maximise your time in the States. We will go over all of our top tips on how to get the most out of your trip as an Aussie in the USA.

Below are the tips to consider for the most enjoyable and memorable experience when visiting the USA as an Australian:

Plan Ahead

Hold on to your suitcase, globetrotter, because being well-prepared and organised will make your trip more amazing. Before you set off, dive into your dream destination’s local customs and laws. You’ll not only show respect for their culture but might also learn some fantastic new customs.

Plan Ahead
Plan Ahead

Now, take the time to know your destination like the back of your hand thoroughly. Knowing how long you’ll be visiting and what activities and attractions are on your must-see list will enhance your trip. This way, you can also plan ahead for any potential emergencies or roadblocks.

Exchange Money

Before you get swept away in the thrill of it all, let’s chat about something pretty important, converting Australian dollars to us dollars. Taking care of this little detail before jetting off will save you from those sneaky transaction fees. Also, crazy exchange rates could burn a hole in your pocket. Plus, you know how it goes – vacations often come with last-minute or unexpected expenses.

So having enough US cash on hand is a surefire way to keep calm and carry on without breaking a sweat. And let’s be honest, we all know preparing for a trip can be a tad bit stressful. This way, ticking this off your to-do list means less worry and more time to focus on packing the perfect outfits and plotting your must-see sights. 

Buy Some Souvenirs

You know, one of the best parts of visiting the USA is bringing back those oh-so-unique and delightful souvenirs. They’re not just random trinkets – they’re your personal tokens that capture those unforgettable memories made on your trip. Imagine coming back home, donning that classic American t-shirt, or even showing off that quirky refrigerator magnet to your friends.

Buy Some Souvenirs
Buy Some Souvenirs

Each piece of your collection will be guaranteed to spark brilliant conversations and rekindle cherished memories for years to come. Next time you’re out there exploring the wonders of the USA, take a moment to pick up something special that truly speaks to your heart. Maybe it is a gorgeous handmade bracelet or that perfect local artisan keepsake.

Make Time for Sightseeing

You’re meandering down vibrant streets, your senses tingling as you explore dazzling art galleries and delve into the history of fascinating landmarks. You can almost feel the pulse of the city with every step, right? Sightseeing is that tantalising secret ingredient that adds flavour to any journey. It will take you on a whirlwind adventure through bustling urban landscapes and tranquil nature trails.

Get ready to dive into the core of each destination, collecting dazzling memories. It will create a treasure trove of stories that’ll have your friends and family captivated. With sightseeing as your trusty sidekick, you’ll get the most out of your travels, returning home with a million tales to tell. 

Take Pictures

Ready to create unforgettable memories? Don’t forget the importance of snapping tons of photos during your journey. It’s the best way to immortalise those heart-warming memories and jaw-dropping sights. Besides, isn’t it fun to share your gorgeous pictures with others? You never know; your snaps might just spark wanderlust in someone and inspire a new adventure.

Taking Pictures
Taking Pictures

So get that perfect shot in front of iconic landmarks or with endless blue skies as your backdrop. After all, you deserve some bragging rights wink. But remember, these photos are more than just a boast; they’ll be your personal treasure trove of amazing experiences. 


Visiting the USA as an Australian doesn’t have to be a challenge. With the right planning and preparation, you can get the most out of your trip and make unforgettable memories. From exchanging currency to getting souvenirs, sightseeing, and taking pictures – there’s plenty to look forward to. So consider all the tips mentioned above, and get ready for an unforgettable USA adventure. Bon voyage! Go explore and have fun!

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