Diving into a lake, pool, or ocean while the summer sun is beaming overhead gives you a feeling of relief. There will be more hot days and humidity. Water excites you and wakes you stuck on hot, dry days. Participating in water activities or sports is ideal because it allows you to cool off, get fresh, and splash in some fun.

Engaging in water activities is indeed the best way to stay cool during summer. No day is too hot when you have a place to freshen yourself up. Therefore this summer, in honor of the exciting times, think about trying out a new water sport.

Best Water Activities

So here are a few water activities to try this summer, ranging from classic favorites to intriguing, new experiences:

1- Kayaking And Canoeing

Nothing is better than getting in a canoe or kayak and traveling around a lake or river to see what you can find. Canoes and kayaks have existed for an incredibly long time. For example, the Inuit used kayaks for transportation and hunting, while the Caribbean Indians built canoes out of tree trunks to travel between islands.

If you’re a beginner looking to start kayaking, check out this insightful beginner’s guide from Water Sports Whiz for essential tips and information.


Its finest features are the peace and quiet that come with canoeing and kayaking. You may explore every corner of the lake, river, or other body of water in complete silence, with the rhythm of your paddles caressing the water.

Bring a picnic, search out secret nooks, and navigate up and down streams. Shop inflatable canoes online now for your next summer adventure!

2- Paddleboarding

In the last ten or so years, stand-up paddleboarding has transformed from a fascination to a passion for many people. Even the Olympics are starting to incorporate it. You paddle through lakes, rivers, and oceans while standing on a very buoyant, rather sturdy board akin to a surfboard.

One advantage of stand-up paddleboarding is the elimination of the sitting portion of kayaking and canoeing, which could also cause some people’s backs to ache after a short while. You may even take a picnic and relax on your board while enjoying it. While stand-up paddleboards can also be used as surfboards, their larger size makes them less maneuverable.


3- Scuba Diving

Scuba diving lets you look closer at the ocean’s depths. Before starting recreational diving in Australia, you must obtain certification; nonetheless, the course is enjoyable and educational, and the certification is frequently good for life.

Before testing your new knowledge in the open water, learning to dive often entails a few days of theoretical and pool work. When you are certified, you can join day trips that offer leisure dives or even choose a liveaboard vacation where you spend a few days exploring the ocean.

Australia is blessed with two magnificent barrier reefs, several wrecks, and artificial reefs filled with fascinating aquatic wildlife.

4- Windsurfing

The sport of windsurfing is surprisingly simple to learn. You may start cruising back and forth on your own, which must have consistent winds. Keeping balance demands precision movements. Therefore, it’s a wonderful method to exercise and improve coordination.


Windsurfing never really gets dull because the wind and waters constantly change. There are new waves, conditions, and speeds every day. Because of this, windsurfing has attracted a large community that you may begin to understand as soon as you start participating in the sport. Although you can practice windsurfing independently, people frequently do it in groups.

5- Jetskiing

Jetskiing is another fun water activity you must try. Depending on your state, you will need to find out what license is necessary to operate one. But after you’ve handled that, prepare for a memorable good time.

Jetskis allow you to explore areas of the water that are too shallow for boats with propellers, jump waves, turn on a dime, go for unplanned swims, and feel like you’re moving quickly through the water. While moving through the water, your pace feels twice as quick as it is.

For those who want to try them out, jetskis are widely accessible and are frequently available for rent.

6- Skimboarding

Skimboarding, also known as “sand skimming,” is an excellent sport if you find yourself close to the ocean. The board is significantly smaller than a surfboard, and the main danger is the possibility of several falls into the sand. Fortunately, it will take place in shallow water on the soft, damp sand.


Find a comparatively flat beach, then wait for a wave to roll in and start to roll out. A thin coating of water on the surface is necessary. The board will only glide if it is deep enough.

Drop the board into the sea and “race” onto it while running parallel to the beach. Step onto it rather than jumping, and distribute your weight properly. Kneel, and endure it.

The alternative is to skim on waves, which entails hopping on your board and paddling out toward a crashing wave. On the wave, quickly turn around and ride it like you’re on a surfboard.

7- Parasailing

Take a parasail to get a bird’s eye view of the landscape. In this thrilling activity, you will be released from the back of a fast boat and fastened to a sizable parasail. The sea wind and stunning views are enjoyed while you sit comfortably in a harness.

Aside from that, you won’t need need to get wet. You will be gently led back to the boat for landing after your flight time is up. Most of the family will enjoy it. However, there are typically minimum age and weight requirements. Paragliding, however, can also be a fantastic choice for those with disabilities.


8- Cage Diving

Cage diving typically transports you to the depths where you can interact directly with Great White sharks. It’s an experience to learn more about these amazing animals and observe some of nature’s largest predatory animals in their natural habitat. You’re completely secure but still able to approach close because you’re enclosed in a steel cage.

Additionally, participation does not always require a scuba license or diving experience. Just be sure to choose a company with the sharks’ best interests in mind; any interaction with animals shouldn’t come at the expense of compromising their health.

9- Yachting

If enjoying lavish water activities is more your style, consider yachting. There are different types of yachts, such as sailing and motor boats, ranging in size from quite small to superyachts.


You can schedule a day trip or a multi-night excursion to check out various ports and reefs. You may unwind on the deck, take advantage of the swimming off the sides, and discover a variety of anchorages. Depending on the circumstances, some businesses will even allow you to assist in sailing the boat. A fantastic alternative is to enjoy summer in a boat with a bunch of friends and sail the yacht yourselves.

10- Hydrofoil

A hydrofoil board will help you level up your surfing experience. It is built with a foil fastened to the bottom that can lift out of the water under the correct circumstances by utilizing the kinetic energy of ripples. You can travel at considerably higher speeds and have the sensation of flying.

There are boards available that only have the foil or an electric motor attached, making them suitable for calm waters like lakes and bays. The engine provides the energy and motion that generate the lift. Before trying a hydrofoil, it is best to have some surfing experience because it can be more difficult to learn and involves a larger risk. 

However, Foil boards are available for wakeboarding and windsurfing, expanding the popularity of Hydrofoiling beyond surfing.

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