Christmas is close at hand and no doubt a point of particular excitement for your children as the term holidays approach. While your mind will no doubt be filled with thoughts of festive planning and cheer, the coming holiday could also be the perfect opportunity to think ahead to next year – and your next family holiday. Indeed, the trip could be an excellent little stocking filler to get your kids excited for the year ahead. But what should you do, and where should you go?


The quintessential family holiday is that spent in the most magical of destinations: Disneyland. The word alone is enough to prick up the ears of your young ones, and the park itself could be the quickest and simplest way to enjoy an unforgettable getaway with you and yours.


Choosing Disneyland for your holiday destination is only the initial part of your holiday planning, though; there are six Disneylands worldwide, from Paris to Tokyo and on each coast of the US. To keep costs down, Paris would be the best option – but this is an opportunity for your family to experience somewhere entirely new, as well as the magic of the park itself.

A Family Cruise

If your children aren’t particularly fond of fairy tales and sing-a-longs, then perhaps all the better for your sanity next summer. But more importantly, this gives you an opportunity to do something truly unique for your next excursion. Cruise holidays are a fantastic way to see a number of beautiful locations while enjoying the luxuries of the ship and the tranquillity of the open sea in between.

Family Cruise
Family Cruise

Cruises are also incredibly easy to plan from the UK. Families in the south can embark on a variety of cruises from Southampton, while those in the north can travel from Hull or Liverpool to see the world. It’s also worth bearing in mind there are many different types of cruises, from luxurious two-week stays to week-long family-friendly party cruises with a more relaxed atmosphere.

Wild Camping

For a more adventurous family excursion, there is little better than a good old-fashioned camping trip in rural Britain. While not as busy as Disneyland or as flashy as a fortnight cruise, a domestic camping holiday can be a fantastic way to get out there and see some of Britain’s most beautiful landscapes.

Wild Camping
Wild Camping

Further to that, a trip north of the border into Scotland allows you to benefit from Scotland’s wild camping laws. In England, camping is typically only legal through booking plots with registered campsites; in Scotland, though, wild camping is legal and permitted in a vast majority of its land. This means you can explore Scotland with your family and with near-complete freedom. A wild holiday, indeed!

Sun and Sea

Lastly, it is sometimes the most traditional family getaways that prove the best – and in this case, there is nothing quite like a classic seaside holiday. The Costa del Sol is an obvious choice for such a holiday, with flights to Spain being common and also cheap; what’s not to love about a week of sun, sea, and sangria while the children play in the sand?

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