It’s not unusual to find yourself emotionally or ideologically distant from your own mother (or the mother of your kids). But that doesn’t necessarily make an excuse for you not to show gratitude and appreciate her this coming Mother’s Day.

No matter how distant you may feel right now or how long the estrangement has persisted, below are some ways to help remind her of how special she really is!

Surprise Mom with a Lovely Bouquet of Blooms 

Nothing expresses love, gratitude, and thoughtfulness more than an aesthetically arranged bouquet of blooms. So, go ahead and put together or purchase a heartfelt bouquet of flowers for mom this Mother’s Day. Give her something beautiful to look at and remind her that she’s still the most special woman in your life despite your disagreements or differences.

Choose her favorite petals in colors she loves, and consider having them delivered straight to her doorstep. You can even add a heartfelt note along with it to let her know just how much you care!

Flowers Bouquet for Mom
Flowers Bouquet for Mom

Reconnect with Kindness 

Reach out to your mom before celebration day and let her know that you are thinking of her. A simple gesture like a call or text message can tell her how much it means to you that she is part of your life again.

Make sure to express yourself honestly but with kindness and understanding for the time apart both of you have experienced. Reconnecting isn’t easy, so don’t be too hard on yourself if things don’t go the way you plan. After all, it’s her day, and that’s what you should focus on!

Plan an Outdoor Adventure or Picnic for Bonding 

Celebrating Mother’s Day doesn’t have to be limited to a traditional home setting. Especially if you’ve initiated contact, you could plan a trip for relaxation or adventure or just a simple day out together. Take her out for a picnic at the park, explore natural attractions, or spend some time at the beach if there’s one nearby.

Chances are, the fresh air and warmer temperatures of spring will put you both in a calmer mood, allowing you to eventually catch up on special moments that time may have taken away.

Plan Outdoor Picnic
Plan Outdoor Picnic

Make a Creative DIY Craft Gift for Mommy 

There’s magic in creating something special with your own hands for the most important woman in your life. Crafting a heartfelt yet thoughtful gift will be a sweet gesture that she’ll surely never forget. Whether you bake mom’s favorite dessert, turn an old T-shirt into a quilt, or craft an eclectic flower bouquet for her, she’ll appreciate the time and effort you’ve taken to make her feel extra special this day.

Write a Letter of Gratitude and Apology to Her 

When it comes to expressing heartfelt emotions, nothing quite beats the magic of words. Penning them down on paper is an even better way to exude genuine sentiments, especially since the material can always be revisited way long after the occasion.

This is all the more reason to compose Mom a special note to her, explaining why you are grateful for having her as your mother or the mother of your kids. It’s also a chance to apologize for anything that has caused hurt in between (sometimes even if you’re not to blame).

You can deliver it personally, mail it, or send it electronically. Letting go of grudges can be an enriching experience for anyone, so open up about any wrongdoings and show her the immense respect she deserves.

No matter how long you’ve had differences with your mom, you can’t change the fact that she’s still your mom. It’s not always easy, but celebrating Mother’s Day together can help patch things up or at least set them in motion. The above tips can help steer the reconnection in the right direction.

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