Staunton holds massive importance in architecture, natural scenery, art, heritage, and history. You can enjoy many amazing things to do in Staunton, VA. This city of Virginia had been through a hard time in the past. It did not matter how the city stayed safe during the Civil War because troops entered the region and devastated the Confederate supply depot and rail station. It was not until 1854 that this city improved as the Virginia Central Railroad project was accomplished. Visiting it will teach you many things about history and wars.

Things to Do in Staunton VA

Let us dive into the top 7 things to do in Staunton, VA!

Staunton Virginia
Staunton Virginia

1- Spend a Day at Natural Chimneys Park

Situated on Augusta County’s rural side, Natural Chimneys Park serves as a beautiful place to spend a relaxing day at. The memory of nature you will get to make here will stay with you forever. The famous rock here is so fine and detailed that it awakens tourists. If you look closely at the rock, you will be able to see all the twists, turns, openings, and growing plants, making the complete rock appear as nothing less than nature’s magic.

The well-maintained ground covered with grass spreads to a wide horizon and ends at the border of tall trees. The scenery is so beautiful that you can easily spend a long time admiring nature.

2- Interact with Farmers at Polyface Farm

Polyface Farm is a famous place in Staunton, Virginia. The organic and humane animal farming here attracts tourists’ attention. It has been an active farm since 1961 and is thus, included in the list of the oldest farms in Virginia. Meeting the family who runs this place is one of the most exciting things to do in Staunton, VA.

Polyface Farm
Polyface Farm

The family is welcoming and habitual of being asked many questions. There is a lot that you can learn about Virginian production methods from them, Joel Salatin (the father), Lauryn (Joel’s daughter), and Daniel (Joel’s son).

3- Explore Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library

Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library is a tribute to the 28th President of the USA, Woodrow Wilson. The library displays a wide range of artifacts of historical importance. Be it the 1919 Pierce-Arrow Limousine that once belonged to President Wilson or the World War | Trench collection, everything has a deep story.

The library has impressively preserved the weaponry, uniforms, and other things that had been used to fight wars in the past. You will have a good time exploring the life of the president as well as the national army.

4- Visit Camera Heritage Museum

Production, photography, and camera enthusiasts will love visiting the Camera Heritage Museum. It is located at Beverley St. It displays extraordinary things from ancient times. You can see how photography has emerged, improved, and reached where it is now.

Camera Heritage Museum
Camera Heritage Museum

Some of the cameras on display belong to the 19th century. The total number of items on display includes around 6,000. Other than cameras, you will also get to learn about ancient photographers. You can even find memorial coins of some of them.

5- Try Making Glassware at Sunspots Studios Glassblowing

Sunspots Studios Glassblowing is a gallery where you can see glass-blowing live. Glass-blowing is a method of blowing air on raw glass through a tube to make glassware. It is an incredible process to watch. Seeing it live is something you can enjoy, and trying to do it yourself is another. For the last activity, make sure to call beforehand and confirm if it is open for visitors during your visit hours.

Moreover, the shops and boutiques sell unique glasswork that you would not find anywhere in the world. There is art, vases, jewelry, and much more to admire and buy.

6- Praise the Architecture of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church is the city’s most iconic building. The church dates back to when Catholicism was diminishing in Virginia after the French Revolution. It took the immigration of Irish Catholics to the town to bring this Catholicism back to life in this region.

Assisi Catholic Church
Assisi Catholic Church

One of the Catholics, St. Francis of Assisi, built this church in 1845. He is an admired and followed figure in Christianity. You do not have to be a Catholic to visit this place. The architecture, structure, indeed, every element in this place is worth seeing and praising.

7- Explore the Strangeness of Grand Caverns

Grand Caverns do not belong to this world. It is a strange and weird place. All eerie words can describe its interior. Some find it scary, while some cringe. But exploring it is one great experience. If you are a sensitive person, you should not visit this place. It is only for adventure heads who are ready to explore.

Grand Caverns represent the inside of a cave. You will see unique and one-of-a-kind limestone work, flowstone, stalagmites, and shield formation. Every hook and nook is detailed and impressively done. Moreover, it is regarded as National Natural Landmark by the National Park Services.


The worse the city has been, the richer its heritage, history, and culture. Staunton, Virginia, has deep tales to tell. You can say that this city was raised from the ashes just like a phoenix. It recovered from the loss done during the Civil War and gained back its commercial modernism and religious Catholicism.

What to Do in Staunton VA
What to Do in Staunton VA

Be it the serenity of Natural Chimneys Park, the rich history of Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library, or the strange world of Grand Caverns, you will not be bored even if you are in the city for a month. If you live in Washington and planning to visit Staunton, you must go know how far is Virginia Beach from Washington.

FAQs About Things to Do in Staunton VA

What kind of town is Staunton, VA?

It is a well-developed city with natural scenic sites, museums, and rich street culture. The high tourism rate shows many things to do in Staunton, VA.

Is Staunton, VA, in the mountains?

Yes! The mountains add to the beauty of Staunton and make it among the best cities to visit in Virginia.

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