When planning your vacations for the rest of the year, one tourist spot you simply can’t miss is Florida. A previous post entitled ‘7 Best Vacation Spots in the US’ highlights Florida’s appeal in terms of its warm weather and stunning beaches, making it the ideal destination for beach holidays with family or friends. However, besides packing your essentials for a trip to vibrant Miami or the family-friendly Orlando, another thing you must consider is the presence of smoking bans on Florida beaches (smoke-free). If you’re a traveler who smokes, here’s how you can remain a healthy and responsible tourist while still having fun on your beach holiday in Florida.

Smoking Bans on Florida Beaches

Smoking Bans on Florida Beaches

Besides affecting smokers’ personal health, tobacco use can also endanger nonsmokers and pollute the air through secondhand smoke. Cigarette butts also contribute to environmental waste through their non-biodegradable plastic filters. In light of these health and environmental harms, Florida is among the US states leading the way in smoke-free policies in public places, including beaches.

In 2022, a state law amendment allowed local governments to enact their own smoking bans on beaches and in parks. Since vaping can also harm public health through the secondhand aerosol it produces, these smoking regulations prohibit both traditional and electronic cigarettes.

As of writing, the Florida cities and beaches with smoke-free policies include Miami Beach, Daytona Beach Shores, South Daytona Beach, and Palm Bay. Recently, the city of Sarasota has also updated its smoking laws to ban cigarettes on all county-owned beaches, beach access points, parks, natural areas, and recreational spaces. Although the fine for violating the smoking ban varies depending on the local government, it’s best for tourists to avoid any hassle by quitting cigarettes, even if only momentarily during their trip to Florida.

Smoking Cessation Options for Florida Tourists

Oral tobacco-free alternatives

While cigarettes can be hard to quit due to cravings and withdrawals, there’s the option to travel with oral tobacco-free alternatives. For instance, nicotine pouches are becoming increasingly popular as discreet alternatives for public places like beaches. On! nicotine pouches, which join ZYN, Velo, and Rogue among the top pouch brands, help ease cravings while still being smokeless and tobacco-free. These ultra-compact pouches are available in flavors like citrus, cinnamon, and wintergreen and have strengths ranging from 2 to 8mg — with a starting price of $3.49 per can.

Meanwhile, travelers opting out of both tobacco and nicotine during their trip can instead pack Redwood’s oral strips to relieve their cravings without having to smoke cigarettes and risk relapsing. These tobacco-free strips are dissolvable and contain cytisine, an active ingredient that works similarly to nicotine, with a lower risk of addiction.

Physical Activity

Physical Activity

Another effective way to overcome cravings and stress-related symptoms from quitting is to exercise. Since you’ll be spending your vacation at the beach, there are numerous outdoor activities to relax and ease your mind, from surfing at Cocoa Beach Pier in Orlando to cycling in Miami Beach.

Additionally, there are unique beach yoga classes in coastal cities like Fort Lauderdale, allowing you to take in the scenery while stimulating your body and mind. Since yoga combines physical activity and meditation, it has been documented to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms among smokers undergoing the cessation process.

Of course, you can also quit cold turkey, but these options heighten your chances of success through biological and behavioral assistance.

Overall, the best way to show respect for Florida’s beaches and maximize your travel experience is to stop smoking, even if it’s only for a short time during your visit. It’s also highly recommended to reduce your cigarette consumption a few weeks ahead of your trip to minimize the intensity and frequency of cravings. Happy travels!