Planning a trip to Europe? Then you’re not alone. Data published by Statista shows that Europe attracts more tourists per year than any other continent. And it’s no wonder why. Ranging from turquoise waters and picturesque beaches to snow-blanketed ski slopes, Europe really has it all. Yet, it’s so important to stay safe while travelling – and this is never more true than when travelling alone. With that in mind, we’re sharing our top tips on how to stay safe travelling solo in Europe below.

Do your research

The most important part of staying safe on holiday is to choose a safe destination. Before you book your flight, find out if there are any safety concerns.

Do Your Research
Do Your Research

Research all the safety risks you might face in your chosen country, including:

  • Natural disasters
  • Terrorism 
  • Local laws and customs 
  • Endemics and health risks

You can do this quite easily using the UK Government’s official foreign travel advice

Choose accommodation carefully

When it comes to safety, the location of your accommodation makes a huge difference. 

For instance, if you stay far away from the places you will need to visit often – such as restaurants or shops – you expose yourself to greater risk. You will have further to travel if you get stranded or lost, and you will be more reliant on others to get you where you need to go.

Choose Accommodation Carefully
Choose Accommodation Carefully

Before booking your accommodation, be sure to go through reviews to see what other people have to say about it – especially other solo travellers.

And be wary of overly cheap prices. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Keep copies of documents

It’s prudent to carry spare copies of your essential travel documents, such as passports, vaccination records, and insurance. You can take photocopies of these as physical backups and keep digital copies stored in your emails or in cloud-based storage.

Organize your connections

Make sure you have your transport planned out for when you arrive. Especially if you’re travelling to a tourist hotspot such as the Costa Blanca, booking a private Alicante airport transfer is the best way to ensure you aren’t left vulnerable and waiting during peak arrival times.

Transport Booking
Transport Booking

Although this often costs a bit more, it’s worth it for the additional peace of mind.

Blend in

You are less likely to stick out and look vulnerable if you do your best to blend in with the locals. 

  • Don’t walk around wearing expensive-looking jewelry or clothes. And avoid using expensive technology in public. Doing so could attract unwanted attention.
  • Dress according to the local customs. Although this is less important in Europe than in, say, the Middle East, it’s still worth bearing in mind.
  • Last, of all, try not to walk around with your nose buried in a map. This is one of the tell-tale signs of a vulnerable tourist. Instead, try to memorize the routes you need to take ahead of time, only pulling our maps or GPS when necessary.
Walk Carefully
Walk Carefully

How do you stay safe when travelling solo in Europe? Share your tips and tricks with us in the comment section!

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